What Are Graphic Novels and Why Should I Care?
So let's start out with a confession. I don't really like graphic novels. I flip the pages so fast I give myself paper cuts. I find them...
Dr Declan Hill
Our guest on the Controlling Idea on Monday March 6th, 2023 is Dr Declan Hill, when we will be discussing The Godfather novel by Mario...
Dr Guy Standing
Our guest on the Controlling Idea on Monday February 13, 2023 is Dr Guy Standing when we will be discussing Nomadland the book by Jessica...
Define Yourself in 3 Words, No More No Less
So here's a fun little exercise. Define yourself in all your complexity in just three words. Here's an example of an imaginary person:...
Sparring with Tech, Spare Me!
Yesterday Prince Harry's book Spare went on sale. Yesterday evening a high-quality pirated copy landed in my in-box, sent by a friend who...
Fed Up and Want to a Better Politics? Read this Post:
The truth matters. A functioning democracy requires that the people in governance are honest with the electorate. Our elective...
Prentice Boy: Past and Present by Ray Rumsby
‘I was genuinely sorry to finish this book. It had me completely engaged… and I loved the clever twist in the middle of it.’ Louis...
Food of Love is coming soon!
Fabulous reviews. This memoir of race, class and gender is impressing people across the board.
A Slice of Claret News - May Edition
Our zoom event on May 30 is fast approaching! Join us for George Orwell's 1984. The Dangers of Data and the Surveillance State, episode 5...